Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 25

Hey everyone! It sounds like everyone had a great first week of school. Im really glad that everyone like their new teachers.

Ive got 10 min. Bear with me. :)

It was Sister Museus last week and so we did a lot of last week things. I got new handlebars for my bike. She had old school handlebars, and she gave them to me once she left. I’m so excited about it, it’s the first thing that I decided to write about in my email home. My bike is the coolest thing ever. I’m excited for you guys to see pictures next week.

I love love love my new companion. A little about Sister Liu. Convert. Whole family got baptized when she was 13. From Taipei. 23 years old. Has freckles. Speaks awesome English and Chinese. :) So ridiculously easy going. SUCH a good teacher. Her Mom owns a store called Bountiful Living right next to the Temple. It’s like the Taiwan Desert Book. Pretty fun huh. She lived in Utah for 10 months a couple of years ago, and her favorite restaurant is Cafe Rio. Love her to death.

It was fun having all three of us together all week. It was a little bit of a crowd, but that means it was a little bit of a party, and we had one extra person to work hard to find new investigators and such. Such a good week! We had 11 investigators at church this week, and we were all really excited. Every time you get a new companion its like a fresh new start. New start with the ward, new start with your goals, and a new set of investigators. I’m really excited to preach and teach with her.

Anyways. We have Combined District Training Meeting this next week. Its all about prayer. Our Mission President has asked us to find ways we can improve our prayers and make them more meaningful. One of my favorite things about being a missionary is teaching people how to pray. I hear people pray for the first time in their life and it gives me the chills. I get the opportunity to tell them that they have a father in heaven and they can actually talk to him. We met a great Mom the other night, and while were having a lesson with her family and teaching her kids how to pray she asked: "Will God really listen? Will he really talk back, if I talk to him?" We explained to her that God has been talking to her whole life. Through her happy thoughts, and feelings he communicates his love to her and he family. It was really cool to hear her prayer and the end of lesson, and hear her pray for her family. I love little moments like this. It’s not a great story, or anything spectacular that happened, but something as small as helping one of Gods children recognize God in her life. Moments like these are the moments that make my mission so amazing. :)

We have a fun week ahead of us teaching lots of new friends, I am excited to tell you guys all about it.

Love Sis Lee

We ate smores every night before going to bed.

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