Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 31 - Bats, Heart Attacks and Fat Cats!

Bowling on P-day!

Sept 26, 2011

I just copied the subject line from my companion. She is way more creative than I am. ha

I shall explain: Bats: We have them everywhere.... She is terrified of them, and she sometimes wont bike behind me because there are bats in the road. haha So funny.

Heart attacks: This week we went and visited a ton of less actives in our ward. It was good because we got to know our area a lot better, and find their houses so next time we are by there house we can go visit them. At each door we left three little hearts in a cute little cluster on their front door so they would feel loved. We haven’t been able to get a hold of any of them, so we don’t know if they saw them. But it was really fun, and who doesn’t feel loved when they come home to a heart surprise on their door from the sister missionaries. :)

Ok speaking of less actives, and heart attacks... Last night we went to go visit a recent convert we have never met before. Her mom answered the door and we talked to her for a second. She wasn’t home so we were about to leave, and I asked her if I could give her a hug. She laughed and smiled and totally was not into it. She told me she didn’t want a hug, and that Taiwanese people aren’t used to that. So I backed off and was like ok no biggie. Well for some reason she lingered and kept asking us questions about our church and the gospel. I love it when people ask questions. :) Anyways we ended up teaching her and saying a prayer. It was really cool. Well we were getting ready to leave a second time and I again asked her again if I could give her a hug. She said no again with a big smile on her face, so I started to head toward her with my arms stuck out and she started to back up and kept smiling and shaking her head, so I just chased her down the street and gave her a big hug that she didn’t really want. I’m pretty sure I gave her a heart attack. haha

Fat Cats: We went bowling as a district today, and it was a lot of fun. Sister Riby destroyed. 131. I got 48. haha It was great fun, and we took a lot of classic pictures. Oh and the best part is that its seriously seconds away from our house. We totally gotta go again.

Anyways this week was good! We have three investigators! Three more than last week. Yahoo! We are excited. One was a former referral form the Elders. She’s twenty, cute, works, willing to get baptized, and her family doesn’t even oppose. I am so grateful for previous diligent missionaries that planted seeds so I could have a chance to teach our new friend.

Liu JM is also another former from years and years and years ago. She still has an old translation of the Book of Mormon in Chinese. Sister Riby found her on the road. She doesn’t have a home phone, but that’s ok. She keeps her word, and every time she said she would be at the church, she was. She is kinda in a rough patch in life, and so is willing to change. Boy I am grateful for solid members because she had a lot of questions we wouldn’t have been able to answer unless Lin Jm was there. We are excited to teach her how the Atonement can better work in her life.

Our third investigator is a cute little nurse. She came to church all by her self a couple of weeks ago, and she loved it. She’s really busy and we don’t even see her during the week, but we have been teaching her over the phone, and she’s been keeping her commitments. She’s really great.

All week we have been outside coming up with crazy ways we can come up with new investigators and have started noticing when the better times and places we need to be so we can increase our chances of getting people to set up with us.

You would think it would have been a long terrible week, but it was great! We got to know our area, our members, the map, and things not to do, and places not to go. We have a fantastic District Leader and another companionship of sisters that have been nothing but encouraging. :) I’m learning lots, and my companion and I are growing together.

Ok so another highlight from this week was Sister Tan's birthday. All three of my roommate’s birthdays are in the month of October/September. Fun huh! Thank goodness I have an AMAZING mom who has taught me that birthdays are a big deal, and that making them be a big deal is important. She was so spoiled and we had a blast! We get to celebrate two more times before the move-call is over.

I can’t believe that General conference is this weekend! I am so excited, and so jealous!! We won’t get to watch it for another couple weeks, but I am also stoked. Everyone to remember to prayerfully think of a question you wants to get answered. It will and you deserve that revelation from your Father in Heaven.

When we were meeting with Lin JM our member was so great at bearing really good testimony about how individual this gospel is. We can never forget that. It’s about our salvation, our choices, our happiness, our dedication to the Lord, our willingness to keep the commandments, and our personal relationship with him. How grateful I am for that personal relationship. It’s grown a lot stronger on my mission. :)

I love you guys!! I hope everyone has a great week!! xoxo

Love Sister Lee

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