Friday, January 8, 2010

identity matrixes

K so I know I didn’t even spell that right, but it's ok cause I didn't even know what that was until last night. So here I am in Mexico living it up as HT CLee. All that really entails so far is making schedules. Teaching schedules, cleaning schedules, SPE schedules, Weekend off schedules. Anyways... Late last night I was working on these "schedules" and little did I know what I was getting myself into. So the details aren’t that important, but please let me share them with you so you can better understand the amount of brain stress I was under. SO. For this particular schedule I was working on, I had 4 teachers. 15 weeks. 6 SPES. 3 teaching spots. This means that I have to successfully divvy out an equal amount of teaching weeks and weeks off; as well as make sure that every teacher teaches the same amount of SPEs, WHILE making sure that they aren’t over lapping during the week. I know this makes no sense to any of you besides maybe a random 3 ILP peps that will read this, but I was just trying to illustrate my point. Back to my story. To make thing simpler we decided to assign each teach a laffy taffy color and visually make a chart so we could figure everything out. This worked like a charm! The only thing is was that we were dealing with a stupid math equation! I knew that there was some simple formula that would fix all of my problems, but because I only made it to pre-calc. I had no idea what it was. ha Thanks goodness that I had Sara and Liza to help me figure things out. You might not appreciate this story. But I was doing smart people math last night, and applying it to real life situations. That is like every math teachers goal. Mr. Ruchti would be so proud of me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not an ILP or a past math teacher, but you know I appreciate this story. Because I appreciate ALL of your stories.

    Keep them coming - stalking you is all I do every day.

    (is that joke starting to get creepy? I hope not...) ;)
