Saturday, January 9, 2010


Today I broke the rules. I bought a beta fish. The total came to 10 pesos. That is less than a dollar my friends! We even rock paper siccored him in the pet store, just to make sure we were making a good purchase. His name: Frez Caliente Seropositivo Sanchez. :)Roughly translated into hottie with positive HIV. (H was the first place we opened up to in our Spanish-English dictonary.) Liza and I are stocked. Now being proud owners of a Beta we responsibly googled advice on how to make sure our the newest family member will be well taken care of. First hit on google. B.U.B.B.L.E.S. An accronim that sums up the basic needs of an average depressed Mexican Beta fish with two insane American mommies. Here we go... Be there for him. Understand your dearest new friend. Beta-tude; being intune with your Beta. Best day ever day, making sure your Beta fish always has a great day! Love Love Love, need I say more. Everything & Anything your Beta needs and could ever want from you. Something extra each day, exceed his expectaions. Best spontaneous purchase I ever made.

Liza y Camille

1 comment:

  1. Averi and I were once the proud parents to George, a beautiful red beta fish that had an extra long flowy tail. He loved us. It even got to the point where we could put our faces next to the bowl and he would swim super fast to come look right into our faces. And then I went home for Christmas and came back only to find that George had frozen in his bowl and Averi had to flush him. It was the saddest 4 dollar flush of my life.
    The point of this story is not to depress you but to let you know that your beta will be the happiest beta ever, not just because you have an acronym to help you care for him and a super awesome name, but he lives in Mexico where the water is always warm...
