Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 30 - Week of Mini Miracles and Seed Planting

Us loving the Mac & Cheese her grandma sent.

My poor legs! I have 62 Bites!

Me and my Companion

My Roommates

Sept 19, 2011

Hi Hi Hi Everyone!

It was a great week. The weather was beautiful and the Lord really blessed us... Because we don’t have any investigators we had a lot of time to go meet the ward, and so it was really great getting to know them better and find out where their houses were. We met the whole Bishopric and the whole Relief Society Presidency, as well and the Stake President and the Old Mormon families in the ward. I am so grateful we have such a great ward!! I’m so spoiled to be here. Once we get investigators I know that we will be so loved and well taken care of.

Here is the week in a nutshell.

Monday: We went to go meet the Bishop and his family! We were worried about getting a little lost and so we actually got to his house early, and so we decided to go tracting nearby. We noticed a lady on a scooter randomly in the road and so we headed over her way. We just started talking to her, and when we were bearing simple testimony that God knows her and loves her and knows her situation and she just started balling! Sister Riby and I were taken a back and just kept testifying. We prayed with her, and asked her if she could give us her information so we could tell her more about how we can strengthen our relationship with God and she refused. She has our phone number and church address and so maybe someday she will call or at least remember the night she met the sister missionaries and so the next time she meets the missionary she is prepared. It was so cool. The spirit was so strong, and we both new that it was all God timing that we bummed into that night. We made it to the Bishops house on time, and had a great lesson with his family. He gave us a lot of names we of people in the ward we can go visit. So cool!

Tuesday: Had a wonderfully inspiring DTM about becoming a Preach my Gospel missionary. I am so grateful for leaders that lift, bless, encourage, and inspire. That night we met with Sally! She is our only investigator right now, and she is a former. She speaks English and its so weird teaching and talking to people in English about the gospel. I would so much rather do it in Chinese. ha She is great! She loves Jesus, and we set up a time with her to meet later on in the week.

Wednesday: We went to go visit the Primary President and her cute little boy asked his mom why missionaries were so ugly. It was so classic, and so funny. Kids don’t lie. :)

Thursday passed off Phase 1!! Yahoo! That means that I get to start studying characters. We met with Sally again, and it was a little discouraging. We has an awesome lesson about the Restoration, and she totally believes that Joseph Smith was prophet and the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that this is Christ’s church, but she thinks that all churches are Christ’s' church. It’s so hard when you don’t know how to help your investigators.

Friday: Met with the Relief Society President. Had a great meeting with her, and she helped us get to know a lot about the ward, and the families in the ward. She is so great. We had a mini miracle happen and we met with an investigator that came to church by her self last week and called to set up with us. She is our age and a nurse. She is super and busy, but really sincere and the cutest thing ever. Mana from the Heavens I tell you. We were so excited.

Saturday: The Elders had a baptism and so we invited Sally to come. She LOVED it, and totally understood the symbolism and totally felt the spirit. When we explained that we are baptized the way Jesus was baptized she was eating it up and we were all pumped because we knew she was going to accept our baptismal invitation. We asked her to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized and she politely declined. She has already been baptized, and once was good enough. It was such a let down and discouraging, but that is missionary work. You live and you learn. You fall down and you get back up.

Sunday: Was a hard day. Sorta a bust. Church was good, but Sally came to church, and then left? One of the members told us.. We found out that because she came during the sacrament and so because she couldn’t go in, she just left. Sad, but there is always next week. After Ward Correlation we left to go to our apts and everyone either canceled, rescheduled or stood us up. We came home for dinner totally discouraged. Before we left the house again we had no plans, but we said a big prayer that we would be led on where to go, and what to do. We decided to go tracting. We both agreed on a spot, parked our bikes and started tracting. The first house we knocked on let us in. We taught their family, asked them to be baptized and we are going back to see them on Tuesday. It was such a miracle. I was so so humbled and thankful that we had such a prepared family fall into our laps. The power of the Holy Ghost is real and he loves his missionaries. The Lord is so good to us. We had a lot of success that night. One other lesson with an investigator that we are visiting later that week, and 6 other people we have apts with. We were so so grateful.

Ok. Ya that was my week in a nutshell. I love you all! Talk to you next week.


Love Sis Lee

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